- I am speechless. In my humble opinion, this is one of “evangelism’s” greatest kept secrets. You really know how to “put the cookies on the lowest shelf” (where they can be reached).
- Thank you for your wonderful testimony about God and Jesus as the Saviour. I am a true believer of Christ whom I accepted into my heart as a little child and ever since have experienced God in every way of my life.
- Thanks very much for your web site. You summed up what I have come to believe.
- Awesome!!!!! I have 21-year-old son who is extremely intelligent. He knows of my faith in The Risen Savior but can’t grasp it philosophically. After taking the first “Quick Tour” on your web site, I am completely elated at finding a fresh way of approaching him with the simple principles of seeking the truth as you have presented here. Thanks so much for relating your insights and experiences in a way that can explain a simple approach to higher understanding on the only thing that really matters.
- I was having a difficult time understanding the Trinity, until I found your website. Thank you, now it makes perfect sense!
- Your websites are extremely interesting and inspirational. I just wish I had the chance sooner. Nonetheless, your site is a wonderful blessing. I think students need to be more aware of what and for what reason they study. Your sites, along with God and Jesus Christ, should be part of a core curriculum. I’m filled with thoughts of the wonder, the value, and the joy of life. Thank you so very much!
- I can only echo all the praises everyone else has already exclaimed on behalf of your Snapshots with God. I so often become tongue-tied when trying to explain difficult concepts and here you’ve described thorny issues clearly and simply. Thank you!
- I just wanted to let you know that I think your site is awesome, and I was interested, as well as inspired by your websites. Jesus the Christ has blown me away with the way that He changes those who seek Him, and the awe-inspiring majesty of His Master Artwork.
- Just want you to know I stumbled on your site and it’s AMAZING! I love your stories and writing! What beautiful analogies!
- Stumbled across your site and was very impressed and moved. Also thankful for your straight talk, imaginative approach and guileless content. Well done! May our Father draw many souls to your web page, speak to their hearts and grant them resurrected hearts.
- Really appreciate your creativity in sharing the Gospel.
- Thank you so, so much for creating this website and sharing your incredible words with so many people from all over the world. I came across seemingly completely by chance while doing some art homework, but now I feel that it was God’s will. I used the site for your amazing answers to many of the most challenging questions about the Christian faith, even though I have been a Christian all my life.
- The more I have studied your sites the more amazed I am at your wisdom and insight. The Lord is truly an awesome God. Your sites have produced more excitement and adrenaline than I have had in a long time. Please keep up the Good work.
- This is a terrific piece of work. It was a joy to come across.
- I want you to know that your website kept me awake until 3:45 AM. I read through the entire thing. It took some time. It was well worth it. I really, really liked it. You are definitely blessed with a talent to write. Honestly, that site was awesome.
- Thank you for a beautifully constructed website. As usual, I found you looking for something else. What a wonderful find. You are a one in a billion Soul. What a privilege it has been to hear of your journey to Christ. Jesus is the best guide through this world. Every time I stray from the Light of Jesus my path becomes complex and burdensome. Thank you for so eloquently bringing me back. You are a man of Reason and a man of God. What a dynamite combination. God Bless you always.
- Thank you, thank you so much for creating this site (Snapshots of God)! You don’t know how much it has helped me understand the Truth. I got sucked into a creationism vs evolutionism debate, and the worldly scientific views were convincing, and I was actually beginning to doubt the Truth. Thanks a million, and God bless you!
- I have been reading your ‘Snapshots‘ site. I have found myself drawn into a deeper understanding of my relationship to God. I feel that I already have a good relationship with Him. However, as I study and read I am always thrilled to see new things that weren’t clear before. I look forward to reading the rest of your ‘Snapshots‘.
- Your “Snapshots of God” is inspired and much-needed. Thank you.
- Hi my brother in Christ! I just read through your “Snapshots”! Wow, you have been blessed with a gift of writing making your point with clarity and with gentleness. You have a testimony similar to mine, yet you communicate it so much better than I ever could. God’s richest blessings to you. Thank you for sharing your heart and life and faith with the world!!
- Your site is a real proof that Humanity continues not to be abandoned. GOD is always using some sensitive person with love and courage to give us an example and open our eyes in this world of wonders. May you continue to irradiate the LIGHT of your SOUL !
- Fantastic !!!!!!! G`d bless thee !!!!!
- What an incredible site!! I’d like to commend you on your clear and easy-to-read way of presenting your testimony and invitation to believe. This site was an encouragement to me and I will certainly be sharing it with others, especially to those who are searching for the truth.
- I would like to say that I read through your entire snapshots pages and liked it very much. I always like to find ways to help non-believers understand what I know without being pushy. Your site has done that and more. I cannot believe how you made such a complex task seem so simple. Of all the net surfing I have done, your site is truly one of the best. I hope you have a chance to reach and hear from many people who have found your site to be a beacon of light showing them the way. I know that God gives blessings to those who do his work. There is truly no work greater than sharing the gospel with those in need. May God bless you.
- GREAT site! Thank you for the hard work and faithfulness.
- I admire your efforts at explaining the existence of God to others. You seem to have the potential to do so; and the humility too, as you acknowledge that your belief in the perfect teaching of Christ urges you to seek permanently for a wisdom greater than yours in others. Faith comes from personal experience as you rightly said. You also seem to acknowledge that Truth encompasses every aspect of life. And you do not seem to link Christ or Christianity to any denomination.
- This is a fantastic website! Very refreshing.
- I feel very fortunate to have found your website and to have met you. It has jump-started my soul-searching and my dialogue with Jesus and I’m already feeling the benefits.
- After reading several of your “snapshots” I marvel at how you have incorporated Christ and many of his teachings into your life and your dealings with others. The “wisdom” God has given you through the power of prayer is awe-inspiring, motivational and truly something that I too will begin to work on in my life.
- I read through your entire site mainly because of your apparent familiarity with ‘both sides’ of the existential argument (the “scientific” and the “religious”). The concise examples you provided in your narrative along with the photos and illustrations also greatly helped to keep my attention.
- This site is incredible. It’s good to see people bowed in the foots of Jesus in these days.
- A friend of mine that I have been sharing the gospel with emailed this site to me. It has been a while since we have talked and he seemed to have a great interest in this site. The way things were said opened up thoughts in him that I never could open. Thank you for being a servant of God and planting the seed 🙂
- Your presentation given in this website is great and well-covered especially to this confusing world.
- I just wanted to say that it is an inspiration to me that such people as you make a good contribution to the fact that indeed there is a God by spreading such truths detailed all around us. I just want to say that just as you, I believe in God and the teachings of Christ and I don’t conform to religion because they are not what gets an individual to heaven. I also want to say God bless, because it’s an honor to have people such as you speak a truth which others are hesitant to admit as being true. Indeed God created the heavens and the earth, and I truly believe that as much of the troubles here on our planet, Christ will return and then shall the world mourn because so many have rejected his name. I admire the effort you put into your website because I believe that God has revealed unto you many secrets to the intelligence of his creation that many people refute and don’t care to ponder.
- I was surfing on the internet and I don’t know why, but something told me to search at altavista.com for the word ‘truth’ , and I did that. I picked your site from the results and started to read. It really was everything that I thought all my life. Like Jesus said, he is the way, not the church, and the page ‘What’s wrong with this picture?” shows everything that I always thought. Sometime ago I stopped going to the church… I found this material richer than everything on the Web. Again, your web site is something I’ve never seen. Congratulations.
- Thanks so much. I do not have nearly the grasp of science you do, nor do I have the ability to present the facts as you have. I appreciate that I now have another resource and more to think about. I had to make Christ my Lord out of a life of pain, not out of religion, and that proves He seeks those He loves and that He first loved us.
- I was so refreshed as I journeyed through your website. Each page is so simple in lay out yet pleasing to the eye. You write so clearly and simply in easy to understand terms. You illustrate everything you say so beautifully. It’s hard for me to find a word to describe your site, even as I pass it on to friends. All I can think of is “true”. It is all so true. No religion, no doctrinal beliefs, no trying to prove you are right and the rest of God’s children are all wrong. Just a simple illustration of how you are coming to know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. I love it. I really love it. I almost cry as i go through it. KISS. My eyes water just thinking about it. It’s just so simple. So simple. Knowing God isn’t about arguing over doctrine, or debating theological opinions. It’s about the most simple, yet by far the most wonderful concepts. Of love, and humility. Of selfless giving. Of unity. Of grace and truth. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ”. (John 1:17)
- I enjoyed reading your articles very much. I am a believer and will now be able to recommend this site to others. Thank you for your efforts to put together such a magnificent website.
- I’m glad there are people like you in the world. The web pages are amazing. I think this is one of the most important sites on the internet. Keep up the good work.
- Thank you. Excellent site, easy to read. May God bless you. Peace.
- GREAT site! Thank you for the hard work and faithfulness.
- This is a fantastic website! Very refreshing. Thanks, and keep up the good work.
- I feel very fortunate to have found your website and to have met you. It has jump-started my soul-searching and my dialogue with Jesus and I’m already feeling the benefits.
- Wonderful site!!!!!!! The best one on the spirituality. I have read first “Snapshots of God” – it is so simple and understandable and it has so much wisdom. The evolution of truth is also brilliant from every point of view, from the contents to the web design. I have learned a lot and reconsidered a lot of things that happened in my life. Keep it up!
- This is the coolest web site ever!
- I felt as if the God was chatting to me! Really it was excellent. My kind request is You please continue literate people by such godly views of spiritual reality throughout the life. Thank you very much!
- Congratulations on a well thought out and interesting website. I found much of the information you gathered very thought-provoking and useful. I think God will use it to reach many people about His wonderful plan of salvation. God Bless (and keep up the good work)
- I have been reading your ‘snapshots’ site. I have found myself drawn into a deeper understanding of my relationship to God. I feel that I already have a good relationship with Him. However, as I study and read I am always thrilled to see new things that weren’t clear before.
- I would like to Praise God for your website. May I tell you how much it ministered to me…I had a hard time reading through the tears. It made me realize by looking at the 3-D picture, that I must look past the exterior to see the working of God. I am a born again believer and have been since 1979. However, I have had a very hard 5 years and am just now getting back to hearing the Holy Spirit in my inner being….Again THANKS for your research and your love for Jesus Christ.
- I just finished reading your “Snapshots of God” It is incredible how your words and illustrations seem to touch my soul.